Tags: lessons

Here I demonstrate how to take a public domain comic book, take a story from it, clean it up, and prepare it for re-lettering with Cherokee Syllabary using [GIMP] and [Inkscape].

The reason we want to do this instead of producing new content from scratch is to reduce the amount of labour from many months to only a day for the re-lettering process, once translation has been performed.

Cherokee Animal Names (IMS-Toucan TTS)

2022-06-25 Michael Conrad  1 minute read

Enough progress has been made on the Cherokee IMS-Toucan TTS project to start providing full sets of audio lesson material.

This audio is 100% computer generated audio. No humans were used in the making of these audio files.

Cherokee Animal Names (TTS 1)

2021-05-29 Michael Conrad  2 minute read

Enough progress has been made on the Cherokee TTS project to provide a full set of audio only exercises.

This audio is 100% computer generated audio. No humans were used in the making of these audio files.